Monday, August 26, 2013

you should know 6 things

I follow the lovely Emily at Beaty and the Greek.
She writes fun, easy going, about building her dream house, running, and being a nurse, and being madly in love with her Greek.
I hope once my leg is better i can join her for a race!
I love stalking reading her blog, and last week she mentioned me on it, and i about died inmyoffice at work..
Thanks, so so so very much!!
Now i will answer Pick 6.
1. If you could open your own buisness what kind of good or service would you provide?
Home remodeling/building. I loved building my parents house with my dad. It was my first real summer job during college, i worked for a company. I am thankful i didn't end up a small business owner after 2008. But i love to build stuff.
Last Christmas - the house i helped my dad build (its a little big. 20/20 hindsight).

2. What is your best advice you have recieved about blogging?
Honestly i havent really 'gone public' with my blog IRL. I love the advice Emily got about writing about what YOU want to write about. I am not here to be famous, or get followers. I wanted to write about running. I want to write about making our new-to-us home our own. I want to write about my struggles with health and fitness. So thats what i write! :) and occasionally Star Wars.

3. What is something you thought you would never do or accomplish but have?
Settling down in the Midwest. I am from the North East. I have lived all over; AL, VA, PA, NY, NJ, DC, Turkey and Germany. But i love the North East, upstate NY. I never in a million YEARS thought we'd buy a house and stay in Illinois. But here we are! Not a fan of the view, but other than that we are happy!!

4. Who is the most influential person in your life?
House stuff - my Dad. He is very knowledgeable, and he influences the decisions we make on how to do things.
In general - T-Dubs. We make decisions together anyways, but his opinion matters the most to me. #throwback

5. If i had to be stuck in one season for the rest of my life what would it be?
WINTER! in the mountains! Skiing forever!!!

6. Tell us something we dont know about you.
I waited until i was married.
Yes, you read that correctly.
No Judgiezies me, I no judgiezies you!! I was 22, everyone who knew us at the time knew we had waited. Bet you didn't know that! HA!

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