Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Goals 9/16

1. 30DS every weekday morning- 90% I missed Thrusday morning. Then i didnt make up that day.
Honestly Level 2 sucks ass. I will have to do it Monday - Saturday this week in order to move on. blerg. I hate you JM but DAAAMN my leggs look good...

2. Meal prep - DONE! Checkity Check! I made quiches and T-Dubs made me an incredible birthday meal. So we had lots of leftovers. I did however over do it with our Star Wars marathon, BBQ, Beers, Irish Coffee, and Pizza later. GAH! Then on Sunday, we ordered pizza and caught up on some shows. And then our lap top died. horray.

3. Live more weigh less challenge - i struggle with some of the challenges, like wearing red lip stick. one, i dont own any. two, i am not about to go buy any. BUT the "tell your body you love her" day, happened to fall on my birthday but it was great.

1. GYSTS - this needs to happen. T-Dubs and i agreed this morning no more ordering in, even with friends. We need to pass on that.

2. 30 DS - gahhhhhhh i dont wannnnnnnaaa! - i am also getting sick. :(
3. Try to remain calm for my impending dentist appointment on Thursday. I hate the dentist. Story for another day.

4. Goal is to run through this routine this week. Its from my physical therapy trainer.
This is from this morning, got my run in. 3 mins walk 2 mins run x3. And i am suppose to stretch and heat my leg after. Honestly i am just happy to be running. I got runners high on saturday and sprinted. Then about died because i am so outta shape :) But sooooooo glad to be back! 

no judgies my slow fat ass.
I am getting back in slllllooooowwwwwly. I am NOT getting injuried again.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for getting back to running! Sounds like you're doing so well!
