Friday, September 6, 2013

TimBob'sBloggggggyBlog Questions

Incase you dont know, This guy right here is preeeetttty cool!
I follow both him and hims wifey.
TimBob is a funny guy and writes funny stuff. I think he also very famous on instagram.

I had nothing to write about today, so when Tim decided to accept his sunshine award today
and open questions to the public, i jumped on this bandwagon!

1. Whats the sexeist song you've ever heard?
Anything by Frank Sinatra... or Dean.... or Miles Davis.... or Etta James...

2. Dream Vacation?
Alps ski trip with the husband and my family. I did this growing up in Europe and really miss and want to take T-Dubs there so bad!

3. First movie you saw in theatre?
I don't even know? is that sad? I know i saw the Lion King, i can remember that.

4. Celebrity Crush.
Han Solo. Duh.

5. Your worst family reunion moment?
My family is pretty awesome. Not gonna lie. As a kid i had a cousin who always belittled me when we were together, even all through high school. I know it was her projecting her insecurities on me, but it made me feel pretty terrible all the time.

6. Best Christmas Present you ever received?
Miliemun Falcon. Double Duh.

7. Worst Christmas present you ever received?
One year my folks went off on this whole "we need to be frugal thing" then they have me a digital camera i didn't even ask for. It was like like terrible, it was the principal that was so effing confusing.

8. Disney World of the Beach?
Disney really is the happiest place on earth.

9. Post a selfie pic of you at this exact moment.
No. #oneaday #instagramrules #rulefollwer @robine182
10. Post the 5th picture in our phone.
Nose bleeds last season a Illini Basketball! #bleedorangeandblue #fightingillini

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