Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thirsty, yaaaaawn, Thrusday

Hopelessly Ever After
Irish Coffee! 
See what I did there? In the title?
I'm so corny I can barely stand it.
Well, it's my favorite time of the week! 
To lank that drank with K-Rock!

I only have to work 3 days this week and I'm beat!
Travel takes it outta ya!
Also i did NOT make it to the gym today. This week is kicking my butt.
And tomorrow is weigh in...womp womp.

Now just to be clear I did NOT have one of these this morning.
But it is a favorite camping and vacation past time drink.

The Irish Coffee brought to you by Boba Fett

Here's the deal, officially there is a recipe
When I say 'Irish coffee'
I mean making your coffee and adult beverage.
Thus, making your options endless.
Best advice I can give, whipped cream. Not just for coffee
I make my normal coffee, cream only.
Then I add baileys or Kahlua French vanilla. 
Drank up!
If its a holiday season sometimes I jazz it up with cinnamon or peppermint.



Irish whiskey
Fresh coffee
Heavy cream
And brown sugar
Brought to you by wiki.

Been debating writing a little more about my health journey. Not gonna lie, I'm scared shitless.
Mostly of failing.
But I joined Jess's fit camp and so far it's going well.
Also if you are new around here I have a muscle injury from March that I'm still in Physical Therapy for, and honestly I haven't handled that very well. 
insert copious amounts of booze
We will see what happens I guess. I'm on the fence.
Maybe I just need to share more in general :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks so good. Especially right now. I'm so exhausted. So happy I'm finally on summer break!!
