Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekly Goals Link Up

Operation Skinny Jeans

1. Eat small portions at small group this Thursday.
EPIC FAIL, i ate 4 SERVINGS of dessert then skipped the gym on Friday :(

2. Planks work out again - are getting done tonight. Core. Lift daily.
Lifting- check (skipped 2 of the 5 days though) Core - FAIL

3. No snacking post dinner. Do not sit in front of the tv = pack boxes!

Lets try this again.....

1. No vegging in front of the TV. Pack boxes until at least 8 pm or do other chores. TV time can start after 8 pm. Or goodness, spend quality time together. :)

2. No beer during the week. FOREVER!

sidebar: i was REALLY good at this when i was training for my 10K. However in light of the groin muscle strain i started pity drinking, then just drinking. i just need to get back at it.

leg: had a physical on Thursday, my doctor is referring me for therapy, its been over 2 months with this injury, guess is more than just a pulled muscle from squats and lunges. i am super emotional and stressed about therapy and my effing leg.

3. Eating out on Thursday, choose to spend more $$ and get a HEALTHY option.


  1. I like your goals! I may steal some (inserting organizing for packing). I've got the New Goals #2 down pat already. :)
    I'm sorry about your leg! I feel partially responsible for it b/c we did the 10K together!!

    1. packing? did you guys find a place? HAHAHA! yeah #2 is hard when we work all day, then pack most of the night by 8:30 we both are just ready to relax with a cold one! Dont feel bad about my leg! I didnt stop training when it got hurt. It was time to see the doc, she said i could probably heal it over a length of time by doing what i am doing, but that it would take longer! Oh well! :) getting it done now!

  2. Ugh, I'm giving up beer this week too! It's so tough, but it can really sabotage weight loss or training. It's going to be a long week, but worth it in the long run ;)

    1. Yeah! I feel like its harder in the summer! Nothing like a cold one after a hot day! :) I'm right there with ya! We gotta stay strong!!

  3. YOU have got this!! You just gotta dust yourself off and keep on goin' ...I feel you on the beer- except I'm a wine-o. I had to limit myself back to one wine-filled night a week. ;) hahaha... following from the weekly goals linky.


    1. Thanks for checking me out Sarah. Please dont judge my blog, its a work in progress :) Yeah! Not sure how much i can limit myself on the weekend! I like the Weekly goals to help me refocus on monday after usually a bad weekend ;P

  4. We all have those weeks - I'm still trying to end one (eating M&ms while writing). This is a new week - or tomorrow is a new day - or, if I can put down the candy, the next 5 minutes are a good place to start!

    Great goals!


    1. put. the. candy. down. back. away. slowly. thats it. ;p

      Yeah i am there with you. I impluse eat and emotionally eat! AND I LOVE FOOD! Tomorrow is a new day! and every meal is a new meal. I try not to trash a day if i have a bad snack or meal. Thanks, Kristin!
