Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekly goals 6/10

Operation Skinny Jeans

1. No vegging in front of the TV. Pack boxes until at least 8 pm or do other chores. TV time can start after 8 pm. Or goodness, spend quality time together. :)
- DOMINATED THIS! We got tons packed and cleared out some space to actually move around.

2. No beer during the week. FOREVER!
- Fail! BUT, I had a kitchen fire, and we did walk to get the beer. It was a necessity at that point. I bake bacon in the oven and the grease spilled into the bottom and i opened the oven and WHOOSH! Fire! :) We acted very quickly but our place smells and ALLL my scentsy are packed! BOO!

3. Eating out on Thursday, choose to spend more $$ and get a HEALTHY option.
- ....50/50 I got healthy then the girls wanted ice cream. I didn't even think. Never even occurred to me to eat healthy! BUT that night we had a party, i made homemade pizza (wheat bread, homemade sauce and cheese) and had 2 cookie and a brownie while i was there, and snacked on veggies. I showed restraint! Maybe that doesn't seem like much, but it was a HUGE accomplishment for me.

1.5 meh. not so hot.

1. don't cry at therapy tomorrow. :(
- I am finally getting my leg looked into and i feel more emotional than ever about it. the weather has been beautiful and i just NEED to go run and clear my head. Sorry, pity party.

2. Pack! & No weekday drinking
- This weekend is the FINAL weekend. getting it done. buying some disposable kitchen stuff to survive.

3. Don't freak out. Trust in the Lord. He is always with you.
- this move has me in a complete panic. It is affecting everything in my life. good and bad. and i just want to be on the same page as TDubs and i want to be working together, not just GETTING BY this stressful experience. I may or may not have been drinking in the last two weeks and told him i want to back out...



  1. I can't do the no beer during the week either. Cheers to drinking our dinner!

    1. Yeah I didn't make not even on the first day :) love my beer so much :) oh well next week ill avoid any goals related to my drinks!

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