Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Robin Randoms

Or random robins? Either. This really awesome blogger Amber did a post yesterday that was "Amber Randoms" and I really loved it. I heart her big time! She is a huge inspiration to anyone getting healthy! Plus, she is funny and awesome and I love reading what she writes!

HUGE thanks to Amber at Crafty Healthy Mommy for letting me steal get inspired by her idea!

Here are a few things you never cared to know about me, but I'm going to tell you anyway.
  • I like to spell and say "anyway" "anyways" And no, I wont change.
  • also i hate the punctuation mark " ' " he is the devil. I also cant spell hims.
  • i am 5 feet 9 inches and in high school i could only shop at weather vane and in the men's jeans sections of other stores. floods anyone?
  • star wars (hope, empire, return) are my favorite movies of all time
  • i grew up without any form of cable, we only rented movies, that my parents would record and edit for us.
  • because of the last one, i missed a very lot of awesomely bad 80s and 90s movies that i am now playing catch up on
  • also my siblings and i ARE IMDb in real life
  • i say "your face" to everything, and its still funny
  • i love books over movies, every time. but have yet to read LOTRs
  • my reading level is 4th grade.
  • no really it is. i was in special education until junior high, mostly because i couldnt read good.
  • i turned 16 on 9/11
  • my first concert was Green Day and Blink 182, hello Tom Delong!
  • raised in a military home, so i was born overseas, spent some childhood in europe and lived in 5 different states/cities in the USA between birth - 13 years old
  • thats a new home every 2 years or less.
  • math is my only gift, and using excel for math.
  • we had an Iron & Wine song as our wedding song, but NOT the twilight one
  • twilight is an awesomely bad movie. sorryimnotsorry. go here. or watch.
  • Buffy>Twilight always.
  • style is not my gift. i look like a dude at the gym. Basketball Tee Gym shorts over my knees.
  • Like, Amber I also wish i was two inches shorter, and 40 lbs lighter, and blonde, and had straight hair. grass is always greener...
  • Beer over wine/mixed drinks, every time.
  • i got my first gray hair at 16, and now i think they are mostly white.
  • i think i am good with moneys. we are virtually debt free until we buy our first house this month. 
  • also i wont spend money on anything, except booze. i have trouble buying for myself
  • Pennslyvaina is where i spent most of highschool and college.
  • Hunger Games was my favorite book. before it was cool.
  • TDubs owns more scarfs than i do! He also dresses better than me and dresses me when i want to look purdy. (he picked this out)
  • Love running, it makes me feel strong.
  • I like "!" but mostly i like typing in CAPS to show my excitment for something!
  • I am new to the Trekkie world, but i started the patrick stewart TV show and the Wrath of Kahn. thankyounetflix This is largerly in part of Chris Pine and JJ Abrams.
  • my favoirte TV show will always be Scrubs. Thanks A Latte. Hey girls name!
  • I went to AFRICA last year, and it was not planned.
  • My Father In-Law gives me comics every year for Christmas, its my favorite.
  • Also, bragging here, my FIL is famous to me. I read his books when i was little. I DID NOT know this information when i fell in love with Will.
  • I am SOOOOO insecure, arent we all?, that I wont to go to the local comic store. I am afraid of being judged.
  • i played basketball but only because im from a small town, i was terrible at it.
  • i graudated with 37 other students.
  • my record player is probably the coolest thing i own. second to my vinly Star Wars sound track, original.
  • my husband and i have matching wedding bands, titanium.
  • Will has two cats and is a crazy cat lady. i wont let him get any more.
  • Camping is one of my favorite past times. But i sleep on an airmatress.
  • i cannot stretch and touch my toes, i'm 5'9" they are too far away.
  • i have 5 nephews from my brother, they are (9 thismonth, 7, two-6 year olds and a 3 year old)
  • Max, was my childhood cat, he lived to 18. Will's was Cody, he lived to 19.
  • Target and Old Navy are the stores i shop at, when i shop
  • i could own every single pair of sneakers made. i love sneakers.
  • curse words are fun because it meant we were being bad when we were kids (authority issues)
  • my favorite motto is 'bitches get stuff done' because its true and im bossy
  • mostly beer.
And there you have it. Randoms things about yours truly. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. My first concert was Green Day and Blink 182 also, and I had a MEGA crush on Tom Delong for YEARSSSSS!!

    1. 2001? I think or maybe 2002? I saw them in Hershey PA! OOOOH it was sooooo awesome! Totally my "this is what the real world is like?" moment! :) I might still have a tinsy bit of a crush on him. Do you listen to Angels in Airwaves? THey are pretty good too.
