Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weigh In - Back on Track

Pretty Strong Medicine
So i typed up the last weigh in on June 12th... and never posted it.
On June 12th weighed 188.
This was my initial weight in Jan/Feb when i started watching what i was eating and lifting.
I was really disappointed, but i hadn't eaten clean in 5 weeks that happens.

I weighed yesterday and today.

186.6 and 185
Ill take it even though I'm sure its water weight.
Back to eating healthy, no drinking during the week, and lots of gym time.

We bought our FIRST HOUSE!
WAAAAAAA!!! Also i spent more time in Home Depot (6 trips) than in this new house over the weekend.

TDubs wants me to make us a platform bed.
Aint nobody got time fo dat!
This is the general design for now...we will see where i goes when i finally sit down and design it.

We had HUGE amounts of help to move. Man, those boys unloaded that truck in an hour and a half. it was excellent.

My dad is super handy and helped us do many projects while they were here this weekend. Then they went home.
But this text message from him, is probably the highlight of my week.
Just saying!


  1. I loved buying our first house! I cannot wait for next year to go looking for another one. My husband thinks I am crazy. CONGRATS!

  2. Congrats on the new house!
