Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Say WHHHHHAAAA????!@#$@!!! - The IVRESTER Award

Venus Trapped in Mars

This crazy thing happened. Someone read my blog.
Wow, pressure! This is just a ditty to spout my brain fixin's on! YIKES *wipes sweat from brow*
K-Rock why you do this too me?!?
Wait, why did i start typing crap out on the keyboard if i didn't expect people to read it?! WHY?!?!
Its actually totally flattering that someone reads it. THANKS for the nomination!

And Kristin's link up is is my favorite. I love some beer, and just never know what to do with mix drinks, so I've really enjoyed the Thirsty Thursdays link up!

The Rules:
Acknowledge who nominated you Answer the 10 questions listed below!
Nominate 10 bloggers you think are excellent drinkers. You can't nominate the blog that nominated you (no fair!)
Don't make any more questions, everyone just answer these questions below.
If you are nominated, just answer the questions and nominate 10 more people. That is it.

1.What is your favorite drinking game and why?One Duck.
Because it makes you feel completely stupid and completely awesome at the same time! And because when Scotty taught us how to play and he got schwasted, and at like 3 am, someone said real quiet "one duck" and he LITERRALLY popped up and was like "jumped in" and then passed right back out!

Game: its a round, so each person has to say the part of the phrase; "One Duck, Jumped In, The Pond, Ker-Splash. Two Ducks, Two Ducks, Jumped In, Jumped Int." ETC. Its sounds silly but its very fun group game. Screw up drank or every one dranks, on the round number you are one.

2. It is your birthday, what is your idea of the perfect evening? Ummmmm... this is hard.
I'm a 9-11 girlie so its been interesting. Marcy knows what i mean. Red lobster (only sea food in the Midwest) and a Big Berry Daiquiri or 4. Or just fancy beer or Miller, Chinese and an awesomely bad movie. 

3. Money is no object, what is your go to drink of choice at a bar? Usually the snobbest beer :) or OCCASIONALLY it will be a fancy fruit tini of some kind. Appletini is TDubs favorite. Thank you Scrubs for making that cool for dudes...

 4. How many times have you played the game "Edward 40 Hands"?Never, I would have to have to pee, so not interested in playing this game. 40s are mostly water anyways right?

5. Take this alcohol screening quiz here, what score did you receive? My favorite question was the financial burdens because of drinking; I can make room in my budget for beer. No questions asked. Seriously, and my spouse would totally be on the same page as me! WOOOT! 35%

6. What is your favorite memory with Alcohol?When we got Will's first letter of acceptance into graduate school. This is the picture we took and honestly its one of my favorites of all time.

That's how we ended up at the University of Illinois. It was the first school that accepted him (so proud). We did another one after graduation.

7. What is your favorite song about drinking? Or song to drink to?Any!!
Favorite past time is getting our drank on and having a personalized dance party, thank you spotify. our last one may or may not have been an all Avril Lavigne one..and guess who knew all the words? I'll give you a hint, not me!

8. What is your favorite activity to do while drinking (i.e. boating, bowling, golf, trivia, etc.) TV, dancing, eating, trivia night, camping, playing polish horse shoes, skyping with long distance friends (whom should also be drinking with us), sleeping, singing, making homemade bad food (cookie dough?), cooking out, bonfire, setting off fire works. the list goes on.

 (shit like this happens when you play asshole)

9. In your opinion, which is the number one party school in the country and why?Hmmmmm I dunno.

10. When do you know you have had too much to drink? What are your signals?Slurred speech.
TDubs says's i don't do this, but i can i tell! Also sometimes when we go camping, i fall asleep sitting up in my chair around the fire and then the other peeps try to bring me into convo! that's always been fun, and fun to do to other people!... see One Duck.

And the Nominations Are...(Kristin you'd be number one but i can't vote for you!)
1. Brew Mama 
2. The Mustache Diaries
3. ummmm i apparently don't stalk enough people
4. 4 Kottez Run
5. Nerky Meg
6. OK i don't follow enough blogs, clearly.....sorry i stink...

BUT i am so glad i got this because I found 3 KICK BUTT blogs that i now follow :)
aannnd SARAH


  1. YES!!!!!!!!! I am totally doing this post tomorrow:)

  2. HAHA. This One Duck game sounds interesting.....might have to try!! Loving the new blog design!!!
