Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Things That Didn't Happen

Sooooooo i had some lofty goals yesterday.

A few things DID Happen:
  • It rained/hailed when i left work
  • I did get to Home Depotty to buy some Studs for the walls
  • T-Dubs said he does, in fact, want to do something fun on Thanksgiving, not our bathroom
  • I ate ice cream
  • T-Dubs hairs got cut. damn, blogger fail, i should have done a before and after.

Here's what Didn't Happen:
  • I didn't run. truth gun to my head: i wasn't even going to and then i went to car and rain/hail.
  • The purchased Studs, only made it out of the back of the Prius, no further. No shower progress
  • A two a day at the Y because of the weather
  • Stretching. - my hammies are killin me from all the squatting in body pump.
  • Laundry. self explanatory
  • Coloring my GRAY HAIR.

Honestly, I am stressed about the bathroom and I am tried of sucking at it. My legs are currently sitting on a heated rice pad under me at work. ouchie. I don't cook. The long list of home repairs has my mental state with grocery shopping and meal prepping through the roof. This will be our first Thanksgiving in our home, and I was hoping to be tiling. Instead I think, I'll get hammer drunk while hubs makes me fancy dinner. Then go to work hung over. *heavy sarcasm: I am a drinker, but i don't get drunkenMCswirveandcrash. Just calling it like I see it today.

Gifford, Illinois was damaged by tornado's on Sunday. They are calling for skilled laborers tomorrow. I am skilled - sort of. This city is in my county. This is my home. I need to do a post on homes. This is the longest i have ever lived anywhere in my entire life. This is my home, and my community, and so i feel apart of that, even though i didn't grow up here. I hope I get some guidance on what steps i need to take personally.

That's all! Some deep thoughts today! Sorry i know I'm all over the place.


  1. Stop being so hard on yourself. Tomorrow is a new day...We've got this!! 5am club tomorrow morning???? I'm in if you are!!

    1. Don't do it Alicia! 5 a.m. is for the last hour of sleeping - not running! Just kidding - way to get up and go guys. I will be sleeping at that time though... { Raspy Wit }
