Its no secret that I love Christmas. And I make this face when you say you don't like it or getting gifts.
As adult i attribute this to never living in the same place as a child, and Christmas being the one time we were all together and anything seemed possible. My parents and siblings. I was lucky to never have a Christmas without my military father. So here a few reasons I love Christmas, in no particular order.
Movies - with no cable or TV growing up, we had traditions of watching certain movies; Claymation Christmas, A Muppet's Christmas Carol, Home Alone, when we got older Scroodged.
Snow - I love snow. All of it. Every Christmas should be a white one.
Lights - are soooooo pretty. I say "oooooo, ahhhhh" like all the time. Havent found a good place to go see houses here yet....
Gifts - I love finding something special for someone. I also love getting something special. This is also my love language, and I struggle with a lot of for another day.
** This is not to be confused with spending like a mad man, i get practical gifts, and i budget well.
Music - Hooray for Santa Clause, Kenny G, Straigh No Chaser, Michel Bubblely, She and Him (if you like New Girl get this album right MEOW!), Vince Guaraldi (peanuts xmas movie guy), Glee, Alabama Christmas, Statler Brothers, Frank Sinatra, and more than i can think of right now. All the billboard ones!
Decorations - THANK YOU Pinterest. Not that any of these are ever put into practice.
Food - rolos, reeses bells, butterfinger bells, homemade cookies, fudge other snacks, dinner, all. the. foods.
Family - yeah its cheesy. My parents always made us kids feel like the unbelievable could happen on Christmas Eve. Not to say that we were spoiled, because all 3 of us kids grew up thinking we were poor (ends up we werent my folks are just frugal). but it made Christmas all that much more special.
My brother is much older, he went off to college while we lived over seas. Christmas was so sad (for 9 year old me). I remember wishing and praying that he could come home. Welp, on Christmas Eve my big brother walked through the door of our apartment. Anything can happen on Christmas.
L-R: me, t-dubs, schsister
This is our awkward family photo from 3 years ago. T-Dubs and schsister often don't sleep on Christmas Eve and start demanding getting up around 4 am, I usually insist on waiting until 5. This is after hours of movie watching.
And those are a few reasons i love the holidays! Why do you love the holidays? What traditions do you have?