Monday, October 7, 2013

Manic monday


Day trip to St. Louis for the City Muesum to come later this week. This day trip, a surprise party on Friday night followed by a dinner thingy on sunday resulted in lots of poor eating. And 3 days of major D. (deigistive issue...dont make me type it out, just figure it out).

1. Make good food choices all week. - we will be home all week and we tend to do better.
2. Friday/Saturday no fast food. - we will be logging 800 miles on the car as we drive back to Pennsylvania, and on the way out we can plan and pack yummy food, which i have done! So we can eat well on the way there at least.
3. RUN. - i dont know why this has been harder. Last week i over worked my injuried leg and i think this is mostly mental fear. but the weather turned yesterday, FINALLY! And it is perfect for a run. so my goal tonight is to get a run in after my hair is done.
4. Survive this crazy ass week.

We leave for 'home' on Friday after work. I will drive as far as i can safely then we will crash at a hotel. then drive the rest of the way on Saturday morning. I have tons of snacks to save us from Mickey Dees, and got some Mt. Dew for caffine.

Home is going to be an entire other issue for a week. Without my gym membership at 5 am what am i to do????

Pinterest. Save me now! :) So i gotta find some non weights stuff to do. Though we plan on walking the 'swamp' on days we can, and putting up fire wood for my folks.

This vacation cannot come soon enough. i've been losing my shit at work regularlly lately due to some shitty decisions made by people who make more money than me. But, i am trying to see where this road leads. Maybe im even being pushed in the direction of another form of employment, maybe not. its so hard to know these things.

And the #1 reason today sucks ballz: our only working shower (main one is under construction) is also leaking water. Why couldnt that be covered by my home warrenty! GAH!


  1. It is SO HARD to not eat fast food on a road trip! Does Subway count? I say Subway doesn't count! :)

  2. It sounds like you have a solid plan-- that's definitely the best way to stop yourself from the unhealthy eating that a road trip can tempt you with! Pinterest is a goldmine for equipment-free workouts, I'm sure you'll find something good. Good luck this week and thanks for linking up!
