Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup with Holly & Jake!

Today I am linking up with Holly and her Blog B/F, Jake! I love both their blogs and i love this finish the sentences that they have been doing.


1. I laughed so hard I cried when... when my sister said as we passed another car on the highway "Hey that girl looks like Hermione...but different" Its a miracle we didn't crash and die right there.

2. My high closed. true story. i lived in one of the poorest counties in PA, and they built our H.S. my senior year and we had to attend the rival school BHELT! And they closed it 2 years ago. My reunion is this year. Crazystupidness.

3. It really pisses me off... That George Lucas isn't sorry about the 'newer' star wars movies he made. Or about Indiana Jones, or about anything.

4. In ten years... In a galaxy far far away..

5. If I could erase one thing... carrot top...

6. In 1999... oh boy i looked like a bad home school kid (no offense) iron on teddy bears on my purple sweatshirt with not matching purple leggings (Before they were cool) and keds and really bad glasses, and a rat wait that was 1994... 

7. Honestly... i farted in front of my husband for the first time a week ago, we've been married over 4 years but known each other since 2003. Honestly, it snuck out. I can't fart on command. I usually can only fart in a bathroom with my butt on the seat!

8. To me, Sushi... is the greatest food ever, when you live near the coast...not so hot in the Midwest.

9. Someone really needs to invent... magic wands, harry potter style, oh and quidditch.

10. The first time I drank alcohol... family thanksgiving! oh yeah, my cousin got me drunk with gold schlager and the card game asshole. didn't take much. RoundRobin is a BIG lightweight, still.

11. The one question I would ask God is... i prolly just stand awkwardly nearby watching him answers everyone else's questions, like i do when i see famous people, or the University athletes in public.

12. Lindsay Lohan... the greatest train wreck ever to watch. plus i will always be indebted for Mean Girls.

LOVE it! I am not the most creative or good at being funny but it was fun to do!

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