Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Goals - Fitness & Personal


So a bunch of bloggers i follow are doing this Follow Through Friday.
And i want to join, hopefully this friday ill be ready with all the goals! But here is a quick run day.
Today: gym fail - all the snow kept us in, as we were shoveling at 5 am the plows finally went by.
Wed: BodyPump
Thrusday: run dreadmill
Frida: BodyPump

Over the weekend i was about 50/50. Good and bad.
We did get tickets to the illini game on Saturday.
Play the freshmen they out played our vetran players, in less game time.
Little candid of our time, and our expression at the terrible playing.

WELP! I renforced the wall behind the shower. It wasnt pretty but i think it will hold up.
We got the final piece of cement board in.
The hole in the wall above the that cement board is for our new shower head, at a height that i can actually stand under! Whoop for getting that done!

We bought tile, tools, grout and moratar.
Then we visited our awesome neighbors the Jones.
And Mr. Jones is going to loan us a saw and talk to us a bit about layouts.
I am pretty gratefull for amazing neighbors.
Mr. Jones even offered to come help us with it, which i will 100% be taking him up on that offer. we can use all the help we can get, so that hopefully we dont have to redo the shower!

Happy fake Monday. Yeah i had yesterday off, i drank on Sunday and slept in. Occasionally i need a night off, apparently followed by a day of eating all the bread!


  1. Yay for the remodeling progress! It's lookin' good!

  2. Seriously....eff all of this snow....

  3. Glad you're making progress on the remodel!! You make me want to remodel our kitchen!!
