I have been running...or jogging i guess.
I started out 2-3 times a week, 2 mins run 1 min walk.
As i increased i hung out at 5mins run 1 min walk for 3-4 weeks.
My leg is doing really well. which makes me HAPPY.
I started running through the entire first mile then doing, 6 mins run 1 min walk after that.
So far its been good, hard, but good. (twss)
But recently spring left and summer came in FULL FORCE.
88 degrees and 1,000% humidity full force.
Here is my sweaty face, runners glow (read: red faced), and hot mess train.
I am not Hawt in this pic, im just hot!
Thankfully my neighborhood is very shaded, but in those not so shaded spots, yikes!
between the sun beating down on me and the hot pavement killing me i was a mess!
But the real point is, i finally felt like me.
like the hardest part was over.
like i could actually enter a race again.
like i wouldnt be held back anymore.
like my anger could finally go away
like everything was fixable.
running solves everything, for me.
free therapy, man.
Also this happened this week.
This was my pace when i trained for a 10K over a year ago.
Granted my other 2 miles were more like 10:50 and 10:40, but still.
This is pretty big for me.
Now someone else who uses the Nike app, tell me if i can view other features about my run.
I cant figure out how this app works :)
Tomorrow i plan on running in the morning at home, half day at work, then FINALLY CAMPING!
I love camping! I will try to get better pictures this year!